Tag Calls

Tag Calls for Simple Searching

A tag is simply a label for a call. Adding a tag to a call gives you the ability to search your call history to find notes associated with any call that has that tag.

Organize your calls

Organize calls for easy search and eliminate wondering when you last spoke about a certain topic.

Search a complete archive

Combined with notes, tags let you keep a searchable history of the conversation.

Use for multiple purposes

Powerful for work as well as personal calls. Desktop and mobile.

How it works

Using iovox, when a call ends tap the tag icon and type a tag name to describe the call to allow it to be found again easily when searching. You can type a new name for a tag, or select from your list of previously used tags, and tap ‘done’. Simple and efficient. There’s no limit to how many tags you can have, and you can assign multiple tags to the same call for ease of search.

Who can benefit from tagging calls?

If you’ve ever wanted to search your call history for the last time you called someone, or search for how long a conversation lasted, or quickly find what you spoke about, tagging calls is perfect for you.

In the real world...

Tag every client

As an example, if you’re a traveling consultant, you could have a unique tag for each client. Let’s say you’re at the airport and you’re on a call discussing a project with BigCo Enterprises, one of your best clients. When the call ends, you can tag the call with ‘BigCo’. Then, at the end of the month you can search for all calls with ‘BigCo’ and tally up your hours spent on this client’s project.

Search your call history

When you need to search for the call where you and your client agreed on modifications to the project – iovox call tagging will point you right to the details.

Organize important calls

While we realise not everyone is a traveling consultant, tagging your calls can help you become more organized around calls you’ve had with your boss on a project, or calls regarding an investment you are considering, or a home improvement project you are coordinating with multiple vendors. Different call types can each have a tag of their own and if you ever need to refer back to a call, just search for the tag.

There’s much more to iovox than Tagging Calls

When it comes to turning an ordinary business phone call into a valuable piece of data, iovox is the name to trust. Used by leading brands in 100+ countries, iovox expertly shows customers how to make the most of their phone data.

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